sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011


Hey! Noi suntem trupa CUTE ANGELS, nu cred ca ati auzit de noi caci suntem o trupa confidentiala deocamdata dar sper ca o data sa ne recunoasteti vocile de la televizor nu doar din locurile unde repetam si muncim pentru vocile si miscarile noastre.Eu sunt Miruna, liderul trupei si alaturi de vice liderul meu Marieta, Andreea, Beatrice si Alexa vom incerca sa dam tot ce putem pentru a ne face o cariera in muzica.Numele noastre scurte (sau daca vreti sa le spuneti porecle) sunt:Miri, Eta, Bea, Deea si Ale. Mai jos puteti vedea primul cantec compus de noi:
A true friendship

Sometimes I sit and think, God
I do not know how to thank
How to thank him for all he did
He gave me the courage to become who they are now
As ma'ntarit
"Girl, go ahead, os'ai some facts and not just words"
Whatever I am always here
You know you can rely on, have my support
You gave me all the ladies
What could not be nicer
You gave me hope to live
And I live through it
He has good days and nights with heavy
When the crying of breakups or bad gossip
For small children it always protected me
Now that's great is that my mother
Pamper me, spoil me as much as possible
And I give and punches to wake up to reality
Fall, get up
All I say is be patient ...
Cry, you're destroying
Want to run for hurt ...
You give everything you have and what you did
But you do not seem to handle
Putting the world at his feet
Now see, my turn came
To care for her as she always did
And I can not Lord, my hands are bound
It can make you wake up to reality
I can not say that life is unfair
Forget everything that `the girl was smart
You deserve the best
The past is past
Future matters' now
Daca'as could I would give part of me
I shalt see smiling, screaming with joy
We say that we shalt End
To give so only in passing over memories
Today you fall, get up, go maine'tzi
Let's remember that's where the two power increases
As we go everywhere together
As a friend and pass through the fire ...
Fall, get up
All I say is be patient ...
Cry, you're destroying
Want to run for hurt ...
You give everything you have and what you did
But you do not seem to handle
Putting the world at his feet ..

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